Thursday 26 October 2017

ICSI treatment in India

This is a technique used for male infertility, or for those patients where poor or no fertilization has been achieved after a cycle of IVF. The procedure is very similar to IVF. However, with ICSI a single sperm is injected into a single egg in the laboratory. The success rates are similar to those with IVF. Normally sperm is obtained by masturbation. Under certain circumstances sperm may be obtained directly from the testis by a minor operation.
Step by Step in ICSI
1.Drug Treatment to stimulate several eggs to mature
-- GnRH agonists to suppress all other hormone activity (injections/nasal spray for usually 2 weeks before gonadotropins & then a further 10-14 days depending on response); a new type of injection drug, known as GnRH antagonist, will reduce this treatment phase by more than a week
-- Gonadotropins to stimulate he growth of follicles & cause ovulation
2.Monitoring of treatment, to measure the growth of follicles, individualized drug doses & prevent serious side effects
-- By transvaginal untrasound scanning (2 or 3 times during a treatment cycle)
-- Sometimes by measuring hormones in a blood sample
3.Egg collection, usually under local anaesthetic, lasts between 10 & 20 mins
-- Guided by transvaginal untrasound
-- Collected thtough vagina (32-36 hours after final hormone injection)
4.Sperm sample, provided on the same day as egg collection. Sample can be obtained in a natural way or following aspirations from the spididymis (PESA/MESA) or extraction from the testis (TESA)
-- One sperm cell is injected into a single egg
-- Eggs examined next day under microscope to see whether fertilisation has occured
6.Embryo transfer (usually 2 or 3 days after fertilisation)
-- Transvaginal transfer of no more than 3 embryos (usually 2)
-- Embryos placed in the womb
-- Good quality spare embryos are usually frozen
7.Pregnancy testing, monitoring

Why You Need To Go Through A Beach Yoga Teacher Training?

Yoga is an integral part of our daily life. Doing proper yoga can help us to stay healthy and fit always. However, to do the yoga in a proper format, you need to go through proper training; else you cannot do it on a regular basis. This is over the most popular yoga teacher training methods. It may be good to first get the idea of the training courses as because there many ways for yoga teacher certification.
Yoga teacher training classes are normally held at the yoga studios and can last for a period of one month to two years, but this depends on the depth of material to be covered. Yoga training sessions can be arranged to meet over the weekends and evenings in succession.

For employed people, it is good if you find a East coast yoga teacher training which is scheduled to take place over the weekends or in the evenings. It may be difficult to explain to your employer that your absence was as a result of taking classes to become a yoga teacher.

Taking trainings at ashram yoga or retreat is a complete immersion without daily life interferences. There exists living quarter for the yoga interns and the yoga staffs. This is a good way of learning on ways of becoming a teacher if you got no family or employer's obligations. It is a good condition to study yoga teacher training at ashram as they function as universities.

Cocoa beach yoga teacher training has become more popular than we expected. One can study yoga training at exotic location. This is a complete immersion while studying the yoga, but with all the 'creature comforts', this may be the training for you if got the financial resources.

Yoga teacher correspondence courses are best for people with experiences. To be a yoga expert, you require to have a background knowledge and experience in the field. By beach yoga teacher training with a group of enthusiasts and local teachers you will gain some help.

Moreover, before doing it, make sure that the respective course you take has a complete syllabus. This is the best way for a yoga expert teacher interns who have responsibilities at work or at home.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Yoga And Meditation Retreat Can Help You To Get A Stress-Free Life

We all know the super benefits of yoga and meditation. So why not spoil yourself and take it a step further?  Visit a yoga retreat and feel the true benefits of this popular exercise form.

A yoga and meditation retreat weekend may be just what you need. Imagine wearing your yoga gear on the wooden deck of a luxury tented camp, with some wildlife standing at the water hole a couple of meters away. As you go into your warrior II position, your mind is still on your task list, and you suddenly become aware of the breeze on your bare arms and the call of the wild. Your office suddenly seems a thousand miles away, as you focus your senses to the tasks at hand.

Suddenly as you begin to relax, you are able to sink even deeper into your yoga pose than you ever normally do in class. For the rest of that yoga session you feel totally in tune with your body, and you feel awesome.

There are almost 219 000 search results for the word 'Yoga Retreat' on the internet. You will find everything from a mini weekend break away for beginners to an advanced Ashtanga retreat as well. There are many forms of yoga and many different retreats to choose from to suit your personality.
If you take your yoga seriously, you can try couple's healing retreat, and perfect the art of meditation. If you are still a beginner and just want to get away to relax for the weekend, you should be able to find yourself a yoga and surf weekend for a combination of fun and relaxation.

Nevertheless, by going on a retreat for depression, you will be able to totally relax and reconnect with your true self. You need to also focus on eating healthily for your weekend away for maximum health benefits. De stressing will happen with all the yoga movements and breathing exercises, and a weekend retreat may be just what you need.

Monday 2 October 2017

Best Fertility clinic in kolkata

Infertility comes with many emotions. Hidden emotions of infertility are a common struggle and many couples often find themselves dealing with and feeling like they have no one to talk to. Should you keep those emotions hidden or should you openly share your struggle? Self-esteem, depression and stress are the three most common emotions and addressing them during this emotional roller coaster is proven to help you work through infertility and the struggle with this disease.

Self-esteem is the first thing each partner should address. Before you are diagnosed with an infertility disease or a problem is addressed, you may feel disappointed in yourself and your body. It is important for each person involved to realize that there are treatable solutions through the help of your doctor. With medical technology improving every day, doctors have several treatments available to help, men or women, start the family of their dreams.

Depression is commonly experienced after failed attempts at pregnancy or failed treatments. Sharing your feelings with your spouse and doctor is encouraged to avoid extreme emotions that can only hurt you or your relationships. One helpful source is support groups. Be sure to look for support groups in your area or in online communities. Many find that sharing your emotions with others who are going through infertility as well is most helpful to realize that they are not alone.

Finally, stress is extremely common for men and women. Not only are they busy dealing with a career, friends and family, they now find themselves stressed with the aspect of family building, and a fear of not having the child(ren) they dreamed of. Although, there has not been a scientific link between stress and infertility many doctors recommend lower stress related activities and encourage healthy lifestyle choices like walking, yoga and eating healthy. Studies have found that couples who reported feeling happy and relaxed compared to a stressful month actually improved their chances of conceiving and having a successful pregnancy.

Make sure you speak with your doctor if you are having trouble starting a family and if you are also experiencing these emotions. Physicians have great experience with couples from all over the country who have dealt with similar situations and are willing to do all they can to help you start a family.

Source: Best Fertility clinic in kolkata