Monday 3 July 2017

Get rid of that persistent stump: Stump removal methods & tips

Stump removal, going by the name seems like a herculean task in itself. A sudden sight of some tall, broad-shouldered & brawny lumberjack, going all out on the tree stump with an appropriately sized axe, formulates in front of our eyes. Although these visions are true but predominantly it doesn’t fit, largely stump removal is done in various ways by expert professionals from the field. There are many companies providing stump grinding services in south side Brisbane. But apart from the professionals, among the common people devoid of stump grinding knowledge, the stuff is full of myths and proverbial quick fixes. There are many solutions for the stump removal problems but they generally hardly work.

The following is a list of such methods and whether they worthy of the effort or not.

Chemical process 
On the market or online, there are a multitude of products that claims to remove the eye pricking stump, quite magically, by making it decompose and vanish into thin air almost within weeks. In reality there are no such chemical in the market that can do so. Some chemicals can only accelerate the process of decomposition but even so it’s a long haul.

There are some chemicals in the market that can make the wood porous thus facilitate the process of burning the stump. Burning may sound like a quite an easy and obvious way of getting rid of it, but it’s not that effective of a method. Stumps actually are so deep inside the soil, that they don’t enough have enough oxygen to facilitate and ensure a thorough burn. This in turn leaves behind a charcoal material which is impossible to burn or decompose.

This method comes with a classic, whole lot of manual labour, of digging out the entire stump from the ground. One or two feet out from the circumference of the stump, dig a trench several feet deep. After start making your way towards the stump, cutting out and severing the roots and parts. Sounds like a formidable task, and that it is. Using the right tools like shovels, pick axe and axe and having tons of patience, persistence and strength will help you succeed in removing the stump.

One of the most effective and proper way of removing the stump is taking the help of nature and let her go at the stump in her own way of decomposing. It’s a slow process and takes years but it’s the most effective one. One can accelerate the decomposition by drilling holes in the stump and filling them with high nitrogen fertilizers. Also keep the surrounding area insulated and damp which will stimulate and accelerate the process of decomposition. After year one, use carbon additives instead of the nitrogen fertilizers, they will enhance the rate of decomposition.

Stump grinding 

This is by far the most effective and quickest way of stump removal. Stumps are grinded and removed using a large equipment called stump grinder which takes around 2-3 hours to completely grind a stump. It takes a top to bottom approach, grinding from the stump to the roots deep down into the soil. One can always rent a stump grinder but it’s highly advisable to hire a professional arborist or taking the services of a stump grinding company. There are many companies offering tree stump removal in Logan village.

Source : Stump Removal

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