Thursday 8 June 2017

Buying an oil painting online? Refer to these pointers first

In the ancient days, only the royals with castles and all used to have paintings from the masters adorn their walls. Commissioned by the rich and affluent royals and merchants, painters used to transform an empty canvas into pristine art, to have them displayed on the stone walls of the wealthy. But nowadays in modern times, it’s not only the fat purses that get to accentuate their home aesthetics by decorating the walls with fashionable paintings. It has become exceedingly fashionable for the common people, the not so uber-riches, to have their residential and business premises decorated with exotic paintings.
Now, it’s not a possibility for the common man to commission an artist to pint them a masterpiece, but one can buy reproductions of masterpieces on the internet. With the huge number of online art galleries, the options for buying paintings online have become a cakewalk. There are numerous such online art galleries in Queensland area. These online art galleries sell reproductions as well as original arts. If you are looking for something original then there are many online galleries that have Original Art for Sale in Queensland and beyond.
But in some of the cases, the cakewalks end up as messy affairs. Same holds true for buying paintings online. So, while making an oil painting purchase online one needs to exercise caution and check the authenticity of the painting and the seller as well. So before buying a painting online, refer to these pointers so that you can make an informed decision.

  • ·        Always ask for the technique used in painting. In some cases, some reproducers take a digital high quality print out of the painting and then retouch them with oil painting. These reproductions, however authentic they look, will always lack the grace of an original.

  • ·        Ask about the artist before making the purchase. This will enable you to double check the artist’s credentials, his past work history and if possible their reviews.

  • ·        Double check the contact details of the company. A genuine company name and address can be verified through online business directories.

  • ·        Always check whether the website has a secure payment server or not. This holds true for all online payments. Exercise this caution always

  • ·        Ask the online company for a reference of previous buyers. It’s highly advisable to cross check the authenticity of the dealer from every possible aspect.

  • ·        Check whether the company has a return or refund policy. It is a must have feature of online shopping, especially for products that do not come ready made in the market or are not associated with a brand. Even if you end up with a non satisfactory painting you can ask for refund.

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