Thursday 8 June 2017

Master the art: Oil painting tips for beginners

Painting is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing art forms. This art form is practiced since man was a living in caves, since ancient paintings can be found on cave walls of Altamira, Spain. Even when the early humans were communicating through grunts and hand gestures, they have learned to express their thoughts, fears and appreciation for nature through paintings. Though they may not have the skills of the masters, but in no way they are inferior from any of the modern arts for sale in Queensland art galleries.
If you are thinking of picking up oil painting, be it as a hobby or merely as a stress buster, but don’t know where or how to start then follow the tips mentioned below for your initiation in oil painting.

  • ·        Always use acrylic under paint. Acrylic under paints have this great property of drying too quickly, which is of great help as it helps the oil paint to dry quickly on the canvas.

  • ·        Always make sure to have good lighting. This may seem apt for photography but also holds true for painting as well. Good lighting, along with bringing out the color, lessens the stain in your eyes. Try to paint on sunny outdoors and if you are painting indoors, use a bright light. Good ventilation is also recommended.

  • ·        Try to use water soluble oil paints rather than using paint thinners, for sometimes paint thinners can be highly toxic.

  • ·        To effectively create an illusion of distance on your painting paint receding objects with cooler and less intense colors and advance objects with warmer and more intense colors.

  • ·         To master the craft, you need the perfect tools of the trade. Always invest on good paint brushes than their cheaper counterparts who shed their bristles quite easily. Hog hair brushes are highly recommended while nylon brushes are good for acrylic paints.

If you are more of an art and painting connoisseur rather than a painter, then there are many options like online art galleries where you can buy paintings online in Brisbane for anywhere for that matter. 

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